Home >> Gallery >> Iceland
| Interiors | Journey through 7 Circles | Majorca | Multiple Exposures | Antiquities Transformed | Water's Edge | B&W Flowers | Fish | Color Flowers | Water | Trees | Allusions | Glass/Light | Iceland | Aegean Textures | Ephemera | Clouds | Collages | |
Iceland Image #11 Iceland is one of the youngest evolving landmasses in the world. As two titanic plates are being pulled apart lava rises from below the earth's surface to fill the gap. Hot thermal pools release steam from lower depths. But much of the island is still covered by glaciers that were formed in the Ice Age. This combination of volcanic activity, the release of heat from the bowels of the earth and the melting of ice caps results in a constantly evolving and changing environment. I was taken, not only by the the beauty of the land, but also by the overwhelming sense of stillness and quiet that in many places made me feel like I was in a fantasy land of magic and mystery. The portfolio prints are archival pigment prints. Editions limited to 2 prints each. - Elena Sheehan
© 2021 Elena Sheehan